During the already difficult year of 2020 lockdowns, our friend Devon received a breast cancer diagnosis, and has since endured some very stressful years involving multiple surgeries, treatments and recovery.
Her career as a commercial and action sports photographer had to be put on hold for the most part while she gave herself time to physically recover. In the meantime she also began her journey into fine art photography and pet rescue volunteer work to keep her mind and heart engaged while her body healed.
Operation Stoke (and many others like us) have admired her professional work for many years and we could not be happier to help support her during this difficult time with small gifts given directly to her and also by purchasing her "Fuck Cancer" prints to gift to other cancer survivors in our OpStoke Ohana.

There are links below and more information HERE in our blog to purchase your own copy of her limited edition artwork to continue supporting Devon as she resumed another round of surgery and treatments this year (2023).